How To Sell Anything To Anyone

Always Pay Attention

Pay attention to every single time you spend money.

You cannot make money, only the federal reserve and government makes money. you take money by making sales, pay attention to every time somebody takes money from you.

Next time you buy a coffee, think about why you're buying that coffee, why are you buying it at that specific place and not somewhere else? This thinking will allow you to find demand and create business where it is needed.

Your Network Is Your Net-Worth

Its hard to make money if you don't know anybody who makes money.
If you sit in a room with a bunch of ice-cream experts who always talk about how to make it, how to store it, how to transfer it and how to sell it, you're naturally going to know a lot about ice-cream.
This is the same with money, by surrounding yourself with smart people who know how to make money, you're naturally going to learn a lot about making money.

By filling your network with people who are paying attention in the world, you will naturally receive information on current events, you are then able to take action from this information, Use this information to invest time and money in the right areas at the right time.